How Soon do Hearing Aids Need to be Replaced?

Audiologist fits a hearing aid on mature man ear while visit a hearing clinic.

It’s tough to be separated from your hearing aid after you get used to using one. After all, your hearing aids are crucial to connect to your world. But just like all technology, though, it will have to be upgraded eventually.

A hearing aid’s average lifespan

A hearing aid will typically last 3 to 7 years. You will need to have regular hearing tests to be certain your current hearing aid is still the best solution for your hearing needs, and the 3 to 7 year lifespan isn’t etched in stone. Technology is always improving and some hearing aids need replacing more rapidly than others so it’s good to be open to other solutions should your hearing change.

Your hearing aid lifespan might be affected by these factors

So hearing aids have a “typical” longevity of 3 to 7 years. Which means there are lots of individuals who might see their hearing aids last a lot longer. Here are a few factors that will determine how long your hearing aid should last:

  • How often your hearing aids are used: The more often you wear your hearing aids, the sooner they will need to be replaced. That said, modern hearing aids are made to last. Maybe, a better way to put it is that the more often you cycle power settings (turn the device off and on), the sooner you might need to invest in a new hearing aid.
  • Changes to your hearing: If you’re an adult and you use a hearing aid, you’ve probably decided on one of those very small, easy to hide devices. That style of hearing aid can be really precisely fine-tuned and will have exactly the right amount of power you require. You may need to upgrade to a more powerful hearing aid if your hearing worsens.
  • Build quality: It can be pricey to buy hearing aids. But, you usually get what you pay for, like with most things in life. Your hearing aid will last longer if it has more robust construction.
  • Functionality: Technology is constantly changing and hearing aids are keeping up with those changes. You may want to upgrade your hearing aid if you want the clearest sound or if you want to connect with you your smart-devices like your phone or TV.
  • Proper care & maintenance: Like most technology, it will last longer the better you care for it. That’s why you should always keep your hearing aids clean and conduct regular maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.

How can you get longer life out of your hearing aid?

It’s significant to note that hearing aids are a really personal thing. Usually, they will be specifically molded to the shape of your ears and programmed to your specific requirements. They are also a significant investment. So it’s a prevailing goal to get the most that you can out of your hearing aid.

And this is a very achievable goal. Taking good care of your hearing aids is the best thing you can do to be sure that your hearing aids last as long as possible. Try not to get them wet or drop them. Of course, doing the required cleaning and maintenance is important.

You’ll typically be able to get a good five years out of your hearing aid. You might or might not get more than that. But eventually, you will have to decide. You will most likely, inevitably, want some of the features that modern hearing aids provide. We can help you determine the best hearing aid for you, so contact us right away for an assessment.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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